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How Social Media Can Damage Your Workers’ Comp Claim

Woman holds a smartphone

When you have a pending workers’ compensation claim, you need to commit your focus on that claim and its proper management. What most people do not realize, though, is that taking care of a workers’ comp claim goes beyond just building the case and working closely with a workers’ comp attorney. It also means being mindful of what they do in their day-to-day lives and how those actions can impact the validity of their claim.

In today’s digital age, the greatest external danger to a workers’ compensation claim is definitely social media. Everything you post, share, and like on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more are going to be closely inspected by an insurance adjuster working on your claim. If they see anything that they consider suspicious there, then it can hurt your claim, cause headaches, and maybe even negate your chances of getting the benefits you deserve.

Misinterpreting Posts to Use Against You

An insurance adjuster will crawl your social media pages for anything that could indicate you have exaggerated or falsified your work-related injuries. Insurance companies are businesses underneath it all, so they want to do everything they can to maximize their profits. Finding any reason at all to deny your claim, even if it means sorting through hundreds of Facebook posts, is worth their time.

What sort of social media posts will they be looking for, though? They will be focused on images, videos, statements, or tags that suggest you are still able-bodied in a way contrary to how you reported your injuries.

For example, if you said you broke your leg falling off a ladder while stocking a shelf at work, then it would not look great if they found a video of you rock climbing with a date one week after your fall. Or, if you have fallen ill due to exposure to toxic chemicals in your workplace, then it might be arguably unusual to see that you have been tagged at a different bar each night in the last month.

You could have completely valid reasons for your social media posts that do not conflict with your workers’ compensation claim. However, insurance companies will fight every word you say and try twice as hard to affirm your claim’s denial.

Stay Off Social Media as Long as You Can

The best way to prevent an insurance company from misconstruing your social media posts is to not make any posts for as long as your workers’ compensation claim is open. Try to busy yourself with other diversions, like reading, watching TV, or playing video games. Anything that allows you to rest without the need for social media can be helpful.

If you’re worried that you are a bit of a social media addict – most people would admit to being one these days – let a trusted friend reset your account passwords. Instruct them to not give you the new passwords until you have your workers’ compensation benefits approved and awarded to you. With their help, you can keep your hands off the emulated keyboard and let your workers’ comp lawyer build your case without worrying about unintentional outside interference.